About Foster Care & Respite

We provide a range of essential out of home care options for children and young people in need

We are a Foster Care Provider

Big Brown House can support the Department of Communities and Justice to locate suitable Foster Care Homes in the Newcastle, Hunter, Central Coast, Sydney, Mid North Coast and Western areas of NSW.

We believe that children and young people should be with their family wherever possible, however for some, it is not safe for them to stay at home for either a short or long period of time.

While each child has a unique set of needs and experiences, almost all children and young people who into Foster Care come from complex family and social situations where there may have been neglect, trauma or abuse.

Children and young people in need of foster care may also have disabilities, medical needs or challenging behaviours, where attending and supporting medical or therapy appointments was too difficult for the family.

Foster care children also have siblings, so ensuring we can provide households where siblings can stay together is essential.

At Big Brown House, our team are dedicated to supporting safe and nurturing homes, to help children and young people develop and reach their full potential.

Read more about becoming a Foster Carer

Respite Care

Big Brown House works within the community to identify and match extended connections for our Foster Care families.

Respite care is for short, usually pre-planned periods of time. Respite carers might care for a child one weekend a month or for a few weeks during school holidays.

Respite carers provide a ‘normal everyday life’, where the child or young person can attend school, participate in sport, hobbies, friendship groups and appointments.

Respite Carers play an important role in time out and recharging for the family and child, providing an additional stable home and support network.

Read more about becoming a Respite Carer.

Contact us

For more information about Foster Care and Respite Care for children and young people, please call us on 0437 223 164 or complete the enquiry form below.

A young child is holding a teddy bear and looking sad. She is looking for a foster carer and respite carer in her local town of orange NSW.